A Sunset Ending - $0.00

Ancient Greek City - $0.81

Bamboo Forest - $0.07

Caraibeira - $0.03

Cherry blossom - $4.97

Gabby (Profile Background) - $0.06

Jack (Profile Background) - $0.05

Mammoths Roaming the Tundra... - $1.53

Melanie background - $0.03

Misty mountains - $0.80

Mountain - $0.05

Night Mode - $0.36

Night Sky - $1.95

Overworld - $0.03

Palms - $0.00

Peaceful atmosphere - $0.28

Rayless forest - $0.03

Seaside - $0.00

Survivor (Profile Background) - $0.19

The Conflux - $0.00

The Darkness - $0.07

The Old Tree - $0.07

Town - $0.05

Waterfall (Profile Background) - $0.04

Zombie Parasite (Profile Background) - $0.00